Hormone therapy Yakima, WA

How Hormone Therapy Can Help

Hormone therapy restores optimal hormone levels, bringing your body and mind back into balance. It can provide relief from troublesome menopause or andropause symptoms, while also promoting overall wellbeing. The experienced healthcare providers at The Hormone Hub create customized treatment plans to meet your unique needs.

There are many benefits of hormone therapy, including:

Key Hormones and Their Functions

Some of the main hormones that decline with age include:

Our services


Estrogen levels drop during perimenopause and menopause. Low estrogen can lead to hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, anxiety, fatigue, and more. Female hormone therapy safely and effectively replenishes estrogen to alleviate these symptoms.


Progesterone works synergistically with estrogen to regulate the menstrual cycle and support pregnancy. Declining progesterone contributes to menstrual irregularities, infertility, and perimenopause symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy for women can restore optimal progesterone levels.


Testosterone helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, red blood cell production, and sex drive/performance for both men and women. Deficient testosterone causes low energy, weight gain, weak bones, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and other issues.


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Your body's DHEA production peaks around age 25 and then steadily declines. DHEA supplements may boost energy, improve mood, enhance libido, build muscle, and burn fat.


The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, energy, weight, digestion, heart function, mood, and more. An underactive thyroid leads to hypothyroidism, causing tiredness, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, and many other problems. Thyroid hormone replacement can correct the deficiency.

Experience the benefits of hormone therapy now!

Customized Treatment Plans

The providers at The Hormone Hub don't take a "one-size-fits-all" approach to therapy. They tailor treatment to your individual needs based on symptoms, medical history, lab test results, and treatment goals.

After an initial consultation, they will order lab tests to check your baseline hormone levels. These may include tests for:

The provider will go over your test results and recommend an appropriate hormone therapy plan. This may include:

Follow-up testing will be conducted to ensure your hormone levels are ideal for your needs. The provider will make dosage adjustments as needed to keep you feeling your best. You'll notice a remarkable difference when your hormones are restored to optimal levels!

Balance is Everything in Yakima's Four Seasons

Yakima sits in sunny Central Washington, where the seasons offer dramatic diversity. With careful planning, you can enjoy Yakima's changing weather patterns while balancing your hormones.

Spring Renewal

The blossoming Yakima Valley bursts with color each spring. Sunny days reach 60°F while nights still dip below freezing. It's the perfect time to awaken your senses and shed built-up winter stagnation.

Kick-start spring renewal with:

Summer Vitality

Summer descends quickly as temperatures climb over 90°F. The sun-drenched days are ideal for fun outdoor adventures with family and friends. Don't let the heat zap your energy or sex drive!

Stay vital all summer with:

Autumn Invigoration

Crisp, sunny autumn days with nights dipping below freezing make this a perfect time to stimulate mind and body. Ward off the winter doldrums by fortifying yourself inside and out.

Invigorate yourself by:

Winter Harmony

Frigid winter days rule from November through February, with plentiful rain and occasional snow. Don't hibernate! Keep your spirits bright and energy flowing.

Stay balanced all winter through:

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy has been used for over a century to treat medical conditions like menopause and hypogonadism. While the effects of hormone supplementation are well-studied today, one of the earliest uses of hormones was in 1889 when Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard injected himself with extracts from animal testicles to try to rejuvenate his aging body. Though seen as quackery by many at the time, his self-experimentation paved the way for further hormone research.

Lifestyle Tips for Better Hormone Balance

In addition to hormone therapy, making certain lifestyle adjustments can further support hormonal health:

The Hormone Hub partners with you on leading your best, most vibrant life through hormonal balance and overall wellbeing. Call today to learn more and schedule your consultation.

Regain hormone balance and improve overall wellbeing.

About The Hormone Hub in Yakima

The caring professionals at The Hormone Hub provide exceptional care and service to every client. Their comprehensive hormone therapy programs can help you look and feel your best.

Services include:

Conveniently located in Yakima near Yakima Regional Hospital, The Hormone Hub has plenty of free parking. The warm and welcoming office provides a comfortable, private setting for your appointments.

The Hormone Hub accepts most major insurance plans. Financing options are available, making hormone therapy accessible to everyone.

Useful Local Resources

In addition to the expert hormone therapy at The Hormone Hub, Yakima offers many helpful resources to support you on your path to wellbeing:


Healthy Eating

Wellness & Beauty

Labs & Testing


Balancing your hormones is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and vitality. The experts at The Hormone Hub can evaluate your hormone levels, create a customized treatment plan, and help you feel your best.

Schedule your consultation today to get started on the path back to wellness. The Hormone Hub looks forward to assisting you on your journey to optimal hormone health and an improved quality of life!

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